Trademark Registration in Patna

Trademark registration in Patna can be obtained by any person or a legal entity. Foreign nationals or entities are also eligible to apply for trademark registration in Patna. Trademarks are considered a valuable asset for companies. Hence, it is very imperative to obtain a trademark registration to create an identity for the company.

The trademark registration process involves several steps. In addition, it also requires timely follow-up from the government. In this section, we will briefly look over the process of trademark registration in Patna.


Trademark Registration in Patna


Stage 1: Availability of the Trademark

This is the most important steps before the application of trademark registration in Patna. During our Trademark Search, we can find detailed trademark information applied before the Indian Trademark Registry. If the trademark available for registration, the next step to proceed for trademark application.

Stage 2: Allotment of Trademark Application number:

The next step is to file an application through a Trademark Lawyer in Patna. The trademark applicant must sign Authorization form and TM Application.

A trademark filing occurs in step 3 with the trademark registry.

  • An application for trademark registration
  • Payment of Government Fees
  • Filing of TM Application Forms

Stage 3: Examination of Trademark Application

The trademark office will scrutinize the trademark applied for registration in Patna. It will either accept the trademark or call to file the reply to examination report. The trademark Applicant must file the reply within 30 days from the date of receiving the examination report.

Stage 4: Publication of Trademark for Registration

The trademark office will publish the mark in Trademark Journal for advertisement. Any third party can file opposition against the trademark application within 4 months from the date of advertisement.

Stage 5: Trademark Registration in Patna

In case of no third party opposition, the trademark office will accept the trademark for registration and issue the trademark registration Certificate. The trademark registration is valid and renewable once in every 10 years.

At  Worldtel Business Consultancy, we will assist our clients to obtain trademark registration in Patna. When it comes to trademark-related services, Worldtel is the most trusted Trademark Registration Consultants in Patna.






Trademark  Registration in Patna

A trademark is a visual symbol that represents your business, including its name, logo, slogan, or any other distinctive sign. Registering a trademark in Lucknow provides you with the legal right to use your mark and prevents others from using a similar mark that could confuse your customers. Trademark registration is mandatory if you want to protect your intellectual property rights in Patna.

Criteria for Trademark Registration

The following criteria must be met for trademark registration in Patna:

  • The proposed mark must be unique and not identical or similar to existing trademarks.
  • The proposed mark must be distinctive and not descriptive of the goods or services.
  • The applicant must be the rightful owner of the mark or have the legal authorization to use the mark.

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